What is our networking goal? More important is what are you looking to accomplish with your networking efforts? Do you even have a strategy?
Every company and each person within that company may have a different objective. That sets me up for my disclaimer that if everyone is different then there is no way I can tell you what you should do without knowing what you wish to accomplish. Read and see which story line you best fit into.
Scenario one – New to business networking and the idea of introducing yourself to stranger is not your idea of fun.
It wasn’t mine either when I attended my first event. And the secret is that most are not comfortable either when they began. Now you know that virtually every person at an event has experience the same level of discomfort and no you have something in common with most. The biggest turn off when I meet someone is them telling me how great they are. The best way to connect is someone is to find something in common to talk about. You may want to introduce yourself by saying your name and your current status. Hi, my name is **********, I have been working at ******** for * years and this is my first time at an event like this. How do you you handle yourself at these things? I am sure they will give you their advice, we all want to be useful and you just let them accomplish that. If you like their response ask for their card and ask if you can speak to them after the event about who you met.
Scenario two – So know you want to be effective
Work on your elevator pitch. That is the thirty seconds or less and less is better, that you have to talk about you. In the presentations I have given on this topic my suggestion to be clear as to what you do, but don’t explain how you do it. Most folks that attend events are looking fr business. They are not looking to buy your product/service or anything else you are selling. Don’t sell just buy. What you want to “buy” is their interest in you. If they do not ask a question about how you solve an issue then they will not care about anything else you say. What you should do then is ask about their business as it relates to yours. If it is marketing/printing/social media you can ask how effective networking it to them and what else they do to expand their business. Based on response you can then decide if you can assist them, they can help you in business. The other consideration is can they introduce you to potential clients. This is why we build relationships. If they are an influential person in the networking community then they may know others that can use your service. Ask for the card and connect on LinkedIn. Their profile on LinkedIn can say more about a person than what they talk about at an event to a stranger. We will talk about using LinkedIn on another post.
Scenario Three – Now they know you so what is next
Building your brand – This is really where you can benefit your clients, yourself and those you work closely with. What you don’t want to be is a tagline, what you do want is for people to know you as something specific. The last person that I had brought to a networking events for the first time was an accountant. It was her very first time. If you are like me your first question is what type of an accountant. Does she work with small or large businesses, one person firm or more. Stating she is an accountant with XYZ firm and nothing else does not give you a clear picture as to her business. Better if stated, She is an accountant with XYZ firm that works with businesses and she is focused on the 10-100 employee firms would be better. Better yet is, I work as an account primarily with firms that are under 100 employees. My aim is to provide them with a foundation and then the resources needed for their continued growth. My guess is that the person she is with will ask, what type of resources. her reply can be, well why don’t you explain your business and maybe there is something we can work on. This conversation will give the person you are talking with a very clear picture of your efforts while allowing you to be easier to refer.
What really is next? Is that you have taken the next step in not just attending networking events but you are now a part of the referral process that makes them so successful.